The Great American Senior Show
Hosted by award winning veteran radio and television anchor, journalist, and marketing/public relations professional Sam Yates, this is a compelling show for seniors, about seniors, and featuring seniors. Yates is recognized as an expert in the senior care and urgent care business categories. The Great American Senior Show delves into topics that impact senior health and wellness; updates pandemic policies; is a forum for multi-political views; details financial and investment information; answers questions about aging and living longer; provides expert commentary from special guests; updates travel destinations; and, helps integrate technology updates for seniors and those wishing to impact the senior market segments throughout the United States and world.
The Great American Senior Show Podcast is also streamed on The Florida Business Forum Podcast, Florida's Number One Rated Business News Forum Podcast.
The Great American Senior Show
Seniors Can Grow Young with Exercise Says Bill Dooley Australian Exercise Expert
Text your grey haired host for a shout out on an upcoming show!
At the age when most seniors start to really feel their age, Australian exercise guru and physical activity expert Bill Dooley tells the Great American Senior Show's gray-haired host Sam Yates that even a small exercise routine can shave years off the mental and physical attributes of seniors around the world.
In one of his first ventures into the United States, the international expert share some tips, tidbits, and acts about the aging process and what impact even a small amount of exercise can have on the lives of seniors.
The Great American Senior Show podcast is produced by Yates & Associates, Public Relations & Marketing. This podcast is part of the network of podcasts streaming under the umbrella of the Pod National News Network. For more information about Yates & Associates or the Pod National News Network, contact Sam Yates at (772) 528-5185 or Sam@Yatespro.com. Sponsorship opportunities are available. The Great American Senior Show is ranked 3rd Best in Senior Podcasts to Follow for 2023 in all podcasts for seniors in a comprehensive survey by feedspot.
30 Best Senior Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023 (feedspot.com)
Yates & Associates is a full-service Public Relations and Marketing company serving select clients throughout the United States and abroad. For more information visit www.YatesPRO.com .
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another exciting edition of The Great American Senior Show with your gray haired host, Sam Yates. As we head into our third year of the great American senior show, we're asking our worldwide audience to drop us a note with your name, and location. And we'll give you a shout out. Now, let's find out today's latest news on The Great American Senior Show. Today, you know, I am very, very pleased to have a special guest in studio. And it is it's an interesting twist, because my guest is in Australia. So I want to give a very hearty welcome to Bill Dooley and Bill is Growing Young exercise program expert number one. Bill, welcome to the program.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Thank you, Sam, lovely to be here.
Sam Yates:Now, I want to get into your background. But but obviously everyone's gonna go. Are you really in Melbourne, Australia?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:I am indeed our time here at six o'clock in the morning on Friday morning, our time, which has 14 hours ahead of your time. That's correct, I believe. So yes, it's as cold. So yesterday was I think this time in the morning was one degree Celsius. So I can convert that in Fahrenheit, Sam like, off the top of my head. But right off the top of
Sam Yates:my head, my instant analysis is cold. That is cold oil. It's a far cry from the temperature index of 105 degrees Fahrenheit that we have in sunny Florida today, so but I still want to welcome you to the program and read sincerely thank you for getting up early this morning. You know, as we all age, I think a lot of our seniors, especially those that get to 65. And above, always stop and say, Wait a minute, let me turn the clock back a little bit because I'm having a few problems. And that's what caught my attention when I heard about your program and you reached out. It is it is something to be in that age category, but another to be fit and well. And you fit into the overall program of helping people not necessarily reversed, but makes a very good progress in staying young.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Yes, that's right, Sam. We wanted to be positive on this on this podcast, of course. But let's take a step back from that. The lead into that is 65 years is around the age when those that haven't been quite as active as they could be leading up to that find that they're not being as active as impacting on their life, or their day to day living. So with regards to strength, and muscle, and all those sort of things. If we haven't been as active as we could be, in the younger years as we get to 65 That's the age where you start to notice a difference in getting out of chairs or the car, or gardening or walking up steps, all those sorts of things, you start to think, oh, hang on, that's starting to show a little bit with those things. So that's why that a 65 is that tipping point where I have a lot of people come to see me from that age, little bit before that a little bit after that, where they start to notice these differences in their day to day living. And so that's the positive spin is then we do look at helping to improve them physically. And then of course that then improves their life outside of the exercise related things that they do.
Sam Yates:Well, I want to get into that exercise program the growing younger, growing younger, young growing young exercise program which makes you feel younger you in many cases are a different person, but you are the expert. Tell us about yourself. Give us a bit about your background.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:My background I have been working in this exercise space particularly with the seniors, which I enjoy thoroughly. It's fantastic but I have 20 years and the program has been going close to eight years specifically this growing exercise program. So my background is I've done went through university I studied clinical exercise science, went back there, after I graduated to teach in the College of Sport and Exercise Science and lecture there, which was I thoroughly enjoyed. Not so much then when we went into lockdown over COVID period, of course, because that was out of the classroom, and a lot of it was online, but went back into the classroom after that. And this promo and just written a book about this, in particular, this particular topic, which was well received, which was great. So this is the area that I, over the course of 20 years have started to specialize in for want of a better term, or it's the most creative the most interest here for me, because I say it's as positive outcomes from this, and I'm not getting any younger, myself, Sam. So it's close to home as well with members of my family who have gone through it and seen such positive results as well. So
Sam Yates:I understand one of the focal points for getting this program going was was your mom.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:And was yes, sometime back. So mom had a few falls in and around the house, and we sat down and had a chat about it. And then base basically the exercise I gave man to do at home, over the course of a few months, really improved her and that was the catalyst and the, I suppose the foundation for the program. So I thought other people could improve his mum did and, and enjoy this as much as Dan did. And, and, and it was born from that.
Sam Yates:What a great testimonial. That is, this would be a great point for us to let people know, because you mentioned your book, you're mentioning the program and and we're gonna get into the program itself. But how can people get in touch with you
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:look through my website. So it's Bill dooley.com. And the program, if when you go through the website, the program is there for you to have a read about and and there's some sample videos on there for you to have a bit of a look at me. And hopefully, you're not put off by look at me and you'd like to go further with it. But of course, emailing as well, if you'd like to even have any questions or suggestions or anything to do with with some feedback, built orally at Bill dooley.com. And I welcome anyone to email me about any questions though this absolutely
Sam Yates:right. And that's Dulli with an E why not just the why it's d w el EY.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:That's it correct, Sam, Yes. Sorry, Sam.
Sam Yates:It is a great Irish survey for sure. I know that. You know, you have been very well received in Australia. I went to your Facebook site and I checked out a lot of the a lot of the Australian publications. And you have been very well received. But is this your first exposure in the United States?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:i Well, one off. It's yeah, it's insanely. I say I just thought what wanted to create more of a rub apart from loving America and everything to do with it. I just thought that the program itself I thought the more people that know about it, it's all about just benefiting lives. Really Samso, America, I thought it was a natural progression from from where I am. And I thought the goal or reach out and and speak to you and you're kind enough to invite me on. So that Yes, look, it's only early days with regards to, to me just talking a bit more about it to more people. And yeah, I've had great results here and hopefully, some some people over your way will will enjoy it as well.
Sam Yates:But I have to say that, you know, I not only do the podcast, but I also do quite a lot of marketing into those senior segments. So we'll we'll chat offline about some thoughts and ideas on that as well. But I do have to mention, I am headquartered in Florida. And for anyone, if you ask them, hey, what do you think of when you think of Florida they usually say Disney World Mickey Mouse or senior citizens because Florida does grow a lot of senior citizens one of the highest percentage populations in the United States. So this is a good point to say that we're going to share this podcast with the Florida Business Forum. So we'll not only have this on the, the great American senior show, but also on the Florida Business Forum. So there's some opportunities there. And, and I mentioned that because I would love to see as many people as possible, check out your website, and get involved in my visits to nursing homes and other facilities across the state of Florida. But there is a need for this. And one of the biggest needs is around falling, that people as they get to a certain age begin to be more fall prone. What are the dangers of falling with a senior citizen?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Well, that's a very good question, Sam, falls cause there's no say. So there's certain factors that contribute to a fall. And we'll strip that back a little bit and talk about that. So one of them is a reduction in strength, because strength and balance are quite closely related. And so you've also got some other factors that can contribute to falling as well, such as issues with your feet, or medications, environment. So there's a, even your, in a year or vestibular as well, contributes eyesight as well. So there are a few things, but quite a strong factor in helping to reduce falls is to do strength training, and get some get stronger, and also some balanced training as well. And there's some things that we obviously cover in, in the program. So I had a lady, this is a true story. So a lady in her late 60s who really hurt herself had hospitalized with a fall did the program and apart from a little she didn't tell me she had a little bit of a trip up the stairs at home when she was rushing to go out. But she hasn't had a fall in eight years, which is tricky. As it regularly does the program because this is something you need to be consistent with, of course. But they're the things that I get this feedback, and I get a lot of messages about this, and it just reinforces why you do it. And you know, I'm happy that it's having that impact and that positive impact on people's lives. But but falling is you can reduce the risks of it. Of course, by doing the program, I mean, the car completely 100% guarantee anything. But it can greatly reduce the risks of it and the impact of falling, not only physically, but psychologically, as well. Just read the knock on the impact, negative impact on confidence and things like that it does, the flow and effect of a four is greater than the physical in a lot of ways. So that's something that I've really, really warms my heart that people have messaged me to say, look, you know, since doing your program, I've started to reconnect with my social groups started to go out and socially again and meeting friends. And so a lot of the times that negative impact will people housebound, or, you know, their confidence, they will just say this is something that's much more than the physical as well. It improves people's lives socially and mentally as well, Sam, which is which is a great thing.
Sam Yates:Absolutely. And I'm glad you expanded on falls there, because here in the United States, September is Fall Prevention Month, and I know that it is April and Australia is don't fall April, I believe, if I recall. And so you know, your timing on mentioning that is outstanding, because we will be going into September and and I want to make sure that our audience takes too to heart some of your your conversation about strength and gaining the confidence that you don't become a fall victim because that is one of the worst things that can happen to a senior the fall leads to other things that leads to infection and and then all of a sudden they are not with us. The program itself. Oh, before I go into the program, I have an important question. Will you be able to come back for another episode?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Oh, absolutely. If you'll have me
Sam Yates:there is no doubt of that because I I think that we can can really make a difference in the lives of some of our senior audience. Talk about the program itself. Well What you are offering is a paid program. It's a subscription program. Tell us what's involved.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Yes, you're right. So it is a subscription program. So there's a membership involved. I've tried to look, trying to make it as cost effective as possible. First and foremost, because cost is very important. And making it something that is financially viable for people is important. So, so I wanted to make it it's less than $1 a day, which, which I thought, you know, it wasn't, there wasn't there to be only wanted to be expensive or, or money grabbing venture or anything like that. So they don't just need to cover costs and things like that, of course. So that's that. With regards to the program itself, there's some pillars of health for seniors, they're important one is the program covers strength exercises, covers balance, and also mobility, which is very important for falls prevention as well. SAMSA. So, the program is designed for those that if you like a gym, that's terrific. If you don't, then you're well covered, as well. So you can do the exercises anywhere you have a portable device. So any laptop or tablet, iPad, mobile phone. So you can do these exercises at home with minimal gym equipment. Okay, it's designed for that. Because not everyone has a definitely decked out gym at home. So the program essentially is designed for people who haven't exercised before. So it's a stepping stone. So you start with some basic beginner exercises, and then progress through the steps of the program to build confidence and experience, then there's more challenging programs for you as you go along. So but all you need to do really is login, follow the day to day program, and I take you through all the exercises step by step. And you really don't have to think other than to watch me and follow essentially. So hopefully, it's made it as as comfortable as it can be, for people to, to then do these at home convenient, as cost effective. And as somebody they can suppose incorporate into their day to day life doesn't take long, you've got to every day you're looking at 15 to 20 minutes. But it's enough, absolutely enough to make a positive impact on your strength, and your balance and mobility, which will help you to move around better and to live better away from the exercise because essentially, Sam, or the program is a little bit of an investment to then make the rest of your day a lot more enjoyable, essentially.
Sam Yates:And I have to say that, you know, when I was checking out a couple of your videos, I did see some of that very exotic equipment, one look like a chair, another look like a mob. And it was like, Yeah, this is all it takes. And you know, the most complicated thing is the equipment use to access the program and and it's it's interesting, my mother in law's 87 And she has her cell phone and she has her iPad. And 10 years ago if you had told me my mother in law would be not addicted but dependent upon those electronic devices. She is that's one of the ways that she socializes and I can see that this program exercising and getting involved is good from a social standpoint as well.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Yes, yes, absolutely. So the one of the benefits of course, individually improving your health is one of the benefits but also trying to create a growing membership club that people can feel they're a part of, and other people around the world are doing it and so they they feel because that being connected is also one of the benefits of doing the program or doing exercise in general even people that come in to see me personally because I do run the program face to face as well here in Melbourne and I do around Australia as well through technology like you said through zoom and FaceTime and things like that. But the people who who do the program and do the exercise the that connectedness and that that I suppose that walking away from social isolation, walking towards social connections, okay because then A lot of people that do the program with me and come to see me live by themselves, that they've lost their partner or that through choice and living by themselves. So they, they do the programming exercise to feel connected to something in someone, and which is. Which is again, just another benefit and something that makes me happy to see and hear. And it's through the program itself, people have become quite close friends outside of the exercise, which is, which is a positive as well.
Sam Yates:No, I'm going to say this for all of our listeners who may be listening in their country club, or while they're exercising at home a little bit. They're looking for something different to do, but they still want to exercise and and this is that what they will be doing is joining an international exercise club.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Yes, well, it's well put it's that's essentially what what it what it is. And it didn't start out to be that way. Ashley had started quite small. Well, one person, it started with bash through the benefit of technology. And like you said, if you had asked me 10 years ago saying that I'd be chatting to you somebody in Florida about exercise for seven years and the benefits of it, I would have told you to that I don't think that'd be possible. But it is and it's amazing that we can do it. And the international cover like the sound of that, Sam, actually,
Sam Yates:yep, well, you know, one of these days, I might get into marketing, you never know.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:We all the marketing guru, and you've come up with about six grand ideas already. And that wasn't actually your show and chatting to you. i A lot of this wasn't planned. With regards to Florida having you know, the such a vast seniors population and things I just liked your show. And I liked you personally, and this is all an added bonus and say,
Sam Yates:Well, I appreciate that if we can help some of our seniors. That was the impetus for me creating the great American seniors show and that I want to help seniors, especially as I'm approaching that magic age myself, the gray gives it away heads the your gray haired host. But you know, I think it's important that each of us do what we can to, to take care of those around us. So that's, that's my contribution with us. But I want to do something. And that is to encourage our personally, I want to encourage our audience to reach out and check out your website. I think that is just very, very important. If we could get a few people involved. Great. If we could get more, that's even better. But once again, how may someone get in touch with you?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Through the website itself? So www dot Bill dooley.com. So that bi Double L d double o l ey.com? Or even just email me, Sam, happy to, to answer any questions. I'll get a lot of inquiries about where should I start? What should I do? I've never exercised before. Is it really going to help? All those things? So I'm happy to answer any day. So the My email address is a bill Dooley at build all the.com and duly with an EY as you said earlier. So even check the website out Absolutely. Send me a message or a question. Absolutely. There's no obligation that the program itself, although I really have people do it, but you can join and leave at any time. Like it's not you're not locked in. I didn't want it to be that way. I just want it to be an easy and convenient way for people to improve their health essentially. So that if they can do any of those two things, I'll be happy to help with any questions I have.
Sam Yates:Awesome. Well for those who may have not too did precisely at the start of the program. I am located in Florida Bill Dooley is located in Melbourne, Australia, 14 hour difference. So the recording of this program started around 4pm Eastern Standard Time, which was 14 hours earlier into Friday on your time. So another question. What the heck are you going to do for the rest of the day?
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:That's a cool question. Sam on on on work every every day at this time. on stage 6am is when I start. And I finished when my two young boys go to bed essentially. They love this. This is not I mean, I know a lot of people say but I do mean it that this isn't really worked for me. It's It's funny, that sort of family, this profession and in a way and you know, like you liking to help people this is my way of doing that. And using what I know to help make people's lives a bit better. And you know, I thoroughly enjoyed doing it.
Sam Yates:Well, I just want to say Bill Dooley, fitness and exercise guru and scientist, you hold a bachelor of exercise science, and that in the clinical practice side of that, and you're also an accredited exercise scientists with exercise and sports science in Australia. Those are really great credentials. And I want to say thank you for being our guest today.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Oh, pleasure, Sam. Thank you for having me. And I hope if if you don't have any backdoor, I'd love to do that as well.
Sam Yates:You will be back I guarantee it. So don't forget to check out Bill dooleys website W W W. Bill Dooley bi, l l dwoley.com. Or you can also visit him on Facebook. All you have to do is put his name in on Facebook and he will come up there. And on Facebook, you'll see a lot of the articles that have been written about him and the amazing success of his program. Bill one more time. Thanks for being here.
Bill Dooley, Growing Young Exercise:Excellent. Thanks for having me.
Sam Yates:My pleasure. I'm Sam Yates. Have a great day everybody. Thanks for listening to the great American Senior Show, America's favorite podcast devoted to the health welfare, education and information for seniors of all ages. Our audience has grown into the 1000s Thanks to loyal listeners just like you. Remember the great American senior show for the news you need to know Have a great day everybody