The Great American Senior Show
Hosted by award winning veteran radio and television anchor, journalist, and marketing/public relations professional Sam Yates, this is a compelling show for seniors, about seniors, and featuring seniors. Yates is recognized as an expert in the senior care and urgent care business categories. The Great American Senior Show delves into topics that impact senior health and wellness; updates pandemic policies; is a forum for multi-political views; details financial and investment information; answers questions about aging and living longer; provides expert commentary from special guests; updates travel destinations; and, helps integrate technology updates for seniors and those wishing to impact the senior market segments throughout the United States and world.
The Great American Senior Show Podcast is also streamed on The Florida Business Forum Podcast, Florida's Number One Rated Business News Forum Podcast.
The Great American Senior Show
Jen Lee of I Need Blue Podcast and Mike Dandridge, CD Risk Consulting Episode 02
Text your grey haired host for a shout out on an upcoming show!
Make eye contact. Be aware of your surroundings. Know the "local" customs even if in your own neighborhood. Those words of wisdom from Mike Dandridge, CEO of Risk Consulting Services can help you avoid a devastating criminal encounter.
The Great American Senior Show's grey-haired host, Sam Yates, asks the questions that helps keep you safe.
Jen Lee, the host of the podcast I Need Blue gives her special insight as an actual victim of robbery and terror that helped her launch one of the most engaging podcasts for victims of crime.
We go into greater details of their amazing stories that have key learnings for our seniors and those who care about their safety and the safety of those for whom they care.
The Great American Senior Show podcast is produced by Yates & Associates, Public Relations & Marketing. This podcast is part of the network of podcasts streaming under the umbrella of the Pod National News Network. For more information about Yates & Associates or the Pod National News Network, contact Sam Yates at (772) 528-5185 or Sam@Yatespro.com. Sponsorship opportunities are available. The Great American Senior Show is ranked 3rd Best in Senior Podcasts to Follow for 2023 in all podcasts for seniors in a comprehensive survey by feedspot.
30 Best Senior Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023 (feedspot.com)
Yates & Associates is a full-service Public Relations and Marketing company serving select clients throughout the United States and abroad. For more information visit www.YatesPRO.com .
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another exciting episode of The Great American Senior Show. I'm your gray haired host, Sam Yates. And on one of our previous episodes, we were talking about, I need blue with gently and how to keep yourself protected. But Mike Dandridge and they are both back with us today. And I would like to say, thank you for coming back to the great American senior show one more time. Welcome back. Thank you. Well, a little bit of a recap. Jen, you have a podcast, it's called I Need Blue. Where can someone hear that podcast?
Jen Lee:Okay, you can find it on my website, www dot I need blue.net. I also can be found on all of your favorite podcast platforms. I think there's like 20 of them, including Spotify and Apple podcasts.
Sam Yates:And we may be opening a few more doors for how to share a podcast, but I won't go into that at this time. And Mike Dandridge Mike, you are the president, CEO of C D,Risk Consulting. And that is something that a lot of people are going wow, what is CD Risk Consulting. So tell us about it.
Mike Dandridge:Oh, it's a security firm that I created, from my experience from executive protection, and personal security, travel security, and utilizing all of my knowledge to kind of make it what we go through on a daily basis, a common sense approach to security. And it's trying to get away from the security guards that you see in a building or on the streets, not on the military, so forth. Common sense. It's just about you protecting yourself, your family, your business, and your employees.
Sam Yates:Now, I know that, like you, I have clients that I have agreements with, we can't talk about them. But some interesting stories, you have some interesting stories that you can share with us.
Mike Dandridge:I love that I have a laundry list. And a lot of the non disclosures that have been signed, but yes, they're I mean, they're there. There's a lot of things that I've been able to partake in. And but I took kind of generalizing, grouping together, being able to travel all around the world, and understanding our culture versus other cultures. And then learning how to interact so that I don't stand out with sometimes it's a hard thing to do, but go into a culture, learn what's going on, learn the vibe, situational awareness, so that when I do my advance, I leave the hotels, the doctors, I know the routes, the cars, and so forth. So when I come back with my clients, it's just like, we're home. It's nice and easy. And they don't know anything about all the information that's going on in my head. But I have run into medical issues where we had to put our plan into place.
Sam Yates:So we work in some of the same arenas, just different sides mind is along the lines of crisis communications, which many times is crisis avoidance when it comes to the media and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. And and that question I that I asked you before you started answering. Sometimes I've used that question to tell me something that I shouldn't know. And I ended up having to cut the person off about a half a sentence later because you know, they just opened right up. So give you a high bark there. You didn't fall for the bait that I would have been in trouble anyway, because Mike is in security. So I was wetting it there for a second let me tell you. But you know what, let's switch back to keeping ourselves save tips, guidance without giving away all the things that people hire you for? What would you like to pass on to our audience?
Mike Dandridge:I think first would be to do a self evaluation. What do you what are you doing and what aren't you doing? Take a look at from the home are you leaving your front door unlock all your doors unlocked your car unlocked, to walking out the house with the head down not looking around at your neighbors or if there's any cars parked at home, but then just hardening yourself by being more aware of your situation. Situational awareness is key. And again it starts from home use practice on a daily basis it becomes habit. So you know what's going going on around you, without your without being distracted to headphones on and looking down at your phone, seeing what the norm is, you know what time you mail, the mailman comes packages delivered the busy time of when people going to and from work, then you can you can understand, okay, something is not normal. So that needs attention. Whether you're out and about, walk with a strong presence, so that you are making it harder target, you're going to, you look like someone who's going to fight, you're gonna like we've mentioned before you make eye contact. So that person knows that they're being watched, or they've been spotted. And keeping your head on a swivel looking around left or right, use your senses, listen, smell. And so just simple little things that you can practice right now.
Sam Yates:You know, I think that I hear a lot from people I interview and for our seniors. One thing that sticks out is those who are in the financial institution, say, with age comes gray hair with gray, it's time to play meaning that those who are seniors, in many cases are impoverished. But there are great numbers that have a lot of money, and they are easy victims.
Mike Dandridge:Right? Right. And again, it's creating that layer and understanding that they have to be more suspicious of the phone calls and people approaching them about asking for money, or could they help they, they want to want to be sweet, and they want to be helpful and in the maybe a young person, but there has to be that little trigger inside your instinct to say, let me let me think about this, let me step back and reevaluate with this whole process.
Sam Yates:Now I know there are people in our audience right now that need some consultant services, how can someone go about contacting Am I
Mike Dandridge:sure I have my website, which is www dot c, d, risk consulting.com. And I have all the connections through my website there. And I'm also on all the social media platforms, but you can find me directly there. And that'll pinpoint you to all the different platforms that I'm on.
Sam Yates:While we're chatting, Jen has been very quiet. And I know if we're a person that tells a lovely story like she does this, it's probably been a tough time for you to be quiet. But you know, I think you're very lucky to have that protective relationship with Mike. So it's something that, you know, now we turn to you and say, how can people contact you?
Jen Lee:Oh, absolutely. Well, through my website is always the easiest way because there's a contact form page on there. And again, that's WWW dot I need blue.net. I also am on Facebook and Instagram in those things as well. Email is info at I need blue.net. So pretty consistent with my website. But I have to tell you if I can, Mike and I connected because over Memorial weekend, I ended up in a very scary situation, not too far from us. And that is what made me realize how important situational awareness is. But it also made me realize that we teach our children stranger danger, don't get in a car. But we are quick to give out our social media. And when you stop and think about everything you put in your social media, and all of the people you don't realize you're giving access to. It's scary. So I just wanted to add that as a as a side note, but I am very fortunate to have met Mike and I'm really excited about the partnership that we are forming together.
Sam Yates:That's awesome. That's awesome. So I commend both of you for doing that. So especially if you're putting anything out there on social media occasionally let it be showing you at the range and showing that you are really very adept at using that gun. Seriously, though, too many people do give away Hey, I'm going to be three days in Italy are here I am on a cruise, and I'm worried about everything at home because my dog is no longer there. And you know, all of a sudden, the bad guys, the little light goes off and they're like wow, easy pickins so you do need to be careful. Absolutely. Now, what about your podcast? So I know that we have had conversations I need blue is a well known brand, are you thinking about changes?
Jen Lee:Perhaps. And the only reason I say that is because I went to social media, a big gathering conference with people who did not know who I was. So it was, you know, like a complete stranger, I gave them my business card. And they kind of examined it. And they looked at me and they said, number one, there is a need for your podcast, you are not a myth. You are not a niche market. And there is a need. Number two, your logo. When I look at that, it makes me think, Okay, this is just law enforcement stories, or law enforcement has to be involved in your story. And I didn't realize that because truly, obviously, I love law enforcement and first responders and I will always, always praise them. But I didn't realize that perhaps my message wasn't clear to somebody not knowing me to be like, Oh, hey, there's a trauma survivor. You know, I went through domestic violence, and here's a story maybe I can listen to or pass on to my sister who I think is being abused, or whatever the situation may be. So I certainly don't want to limit my reach. If I don't have the most clear message, make sense?
Sam Yates:Absolutely. Makes sense. You know, my, my other hat that I wear in addition to the podcasting is public relations, marketing. And you just hit on a major tenet of reinventing yourself as things around you change that situational awareness about business. So are as people are asking you, what you do, and you're giving the impression that this is the only thing that I do. Yeah, so that's a good opportunity for rebranding or re discovering the brand through other people's eyes. And, and that's important. So I commend you for doing that. But by word of advice, don't lose the core. And I know that's not going to be the thing you do. So that's exciting. We look forward to seeing and hearing what you're going to be doing in the future. Which brings me to future podcast. I know you're constantly working on some things. Can you tease us with a few things you're working on?
Jen Lee:Absolutely. I love to talk about my podcast, because when things are moving forward and means that we are helping people. And, Sam, I have to tell you, I've always been one of those people where I don't wait for things to happen, I make things happen. And so I am currently working on a book of different episodes that I have because again, I want to reach people who don't really want to sit down and listen to a podcast but still want to partake of the stories and the information. Also, a couple of months I was really pulled inside that I need to do something with fentanyl and fentanyl awareness. So I have partnered with two Brevard County moms who are friends and guests of mine, and one lost her son to opioid heroin overdose and the other one to fentanyl poisoning, not even a year ago. They have some events going on in August, but I was able to get them to submit proclamations to the city of Melbourne, where they each pick their day in August to say, hey, I want this to be fentanyl Awareness Day or drug overdose Awareness Day. So it's amazing. And our ultimate goal with that is to get the information into the school system. And we are a powerhouse and we will make that happen in one way or another. But those are some of the things in in addition to the rebranding, like you said that are that are going on. And I have some exciting topics coming up, as well. And I do want to say that on my podcast, you don't have to have law enforcement in your story. You don't have to have violence, you know, I like to call it we go through life events that leave us with these feelings that maybe we don't know how to sort out or we want to feel like we're not alone. And this is simply your opportunity to share your story.
Sam Yates:I look forward to perhaps being a guest on your show and it and in the upcoming future. I'm good at taking I'm good at taking direction but uh, sometimes I'm a little too overt when I dropped hints just like that, so I'm looking forward to it. Mike, what about you earlier? You know, you said something about putting together a med kit. So that tells me that you are traveling you are preparing for something without giving away where you're going what you're doing some exciting things in your future.
Mike Dandridge:Been preparing for as the fall comes to us. And business travel picks up, travel picks up, getting back out, doing some more travel with some folks and making sure they're taken care of. But also, I've created a couple of courses for women traveling solo, and kind of directing them the way I prepare for my trips to help go outside the box to think about their safety, but also create a plan for I have two courses, one for younger women so that it helps them and their parents feel more comfortable when their children are traveling. But also the young, inexperienced travels, but then all ages for women to travel, they're in their different stages of life business, and they're getting back out there. But taking those extra cautious precautions to avoid situations, get them prepared. If something were to happen, they know the next steps the thing to do.
Sam Yates:I know it might not be an exactly fair question. But the political climate in the United States right now means that we are a very diverse nation does some of what you're teaching and some of what you are espousing. Allow people to be aware, even down to that fine political line of of not getting into a situation.
Mike Dandridge:Yes, yes. I mean, you're taking us to the to, you do the extra research to understand the area, the culture, so you know, what to say what not to say, where to venture to where not to, and even how you dress, the items that you may be wearing, is a trigger to somebody somehow, some way, but then, you know, mentally that this is what are the potentials, and here are my different outs I can utilize to get myself out of that, that that situation or, okay, I know this is not the right place, I'm not even going to bother with that. So just that extra steps to think more and more not just outside of what's my hotel? What flight am I going to be on? What's the restaurant I
Sam Yates:want to eat? And I can I can absolutely align with that thought. Many, many years being in the media, business television business. Often my wife would say, why are you wearing that when you're going so and so or? You're interviewing so and so? And my simple question was, I am becoming somewhat of a chameleon, I want my guest to be comfortable. I don't want to be an outsider, I want to be their best friend. And that's, that's very similar to what you're talking
Mike Dandridge:about. Absolutely. It's you're able to get in. And I mean, I've been all over the world. So to adjust to the different cultures and understandings of what's going on. And sometimes you may not have to say that you're an American, and it's a trigger sometimes and but to be able to maneuver through just as your the everyday Joe, wherever you may be.
Sam Yates:Well, I want to tell both of you that as you are working on some of these projects, if I can be of assistance and helping get the word out. And I have a little expertise in that. So I'd certainly be glad to lend that expertise. One more time. For both of you, how may our audience and oh, by the way, our audience is also not just the great American seniors show which is the core of what we're doing. But Jen like you, I am also branching out into other arenas through the Florida Business Forum, podcast, Ohio Business Forum Podcast, California does so different locations because we have topics that we all run across right here on air that are national and international in scope. So both of you tell me how our audience can get in touch with you, Jen?
Jen Lee:Oh, okay. So basically, you can get in touch with me through my website via email. And what I would like to say is, my ultimate goal is to be a resource for someone, a survivor of life events, whatever it may be, because sharing can very well be part of your healing process. So I welcome you to reach out and perhaps there is opportunity where you can be a guest on my show, and if you on your your business podcast, whatnot, if there is a company that is moved by my message, I do offer sponsorships and things like that is well if they feel Y'all pull to to contribute in that way?
Sam Yates:Absolutely. My contact information.
Mike Dandridge:Okay, my website is www. CD risk consulting.com. My email Michael, at CDW risk consulting.com. And on my website, you'll be able to follow my link tree where it has all the contact information, the social media platforms, and then you can absolutely email me with any questions, thoughts, concerns, something I can help you with
Sam Yates:Mikw Dandridge CD risk consulting and thank you both for being here. I look forward to having you both back at some point in the future as our relationship continues. So you know that question is coming. Will you be back for another episode in the future?
Jen Lee:Absolutely. Sam, I have lots of stories for you.
Sam Yates:Now, I have no doubt of that. And I want to hear each and every one of them in detail. So I'm looking forward to it. And for our audience. Also, if you have information or special guests or topics for the great American seniors show or as we branch out into other podcasts, please reach out. We are finding that this model of communication is multifaceted podcast, our radio podcast, our YouTube podcast. You it's information that you need and we want to be part of supplying it to you. So reach out to me through the Great American senior show or Sam at Yates y@spro.com. And we'll we'll talk about guest and other opportunities. And until our next episode of The Great American Senior Show. I'm your gray haired host, Sam Yates that's the way our program ends.